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The Economist

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

The Economist Graduate Programs & Internships

  • Media & Communications

What It Does: The Economist publishes news content on culture, current affairs, international business, and politics. The publication adopts interpretative analysis and data journalism instead of the original reporting style that’s the conventional approach in the industry.

Mission: The Economist’s mission is to enhance global consciousness.

Size and Presence: The size of The Economist’s workforce in the UK is not known, but the company has offices in Birmingham and London.

Best Known For: The Economist is a unique news outfit. In 2019, its print and digital circulation worldwide reached 1.6 million copies. As of 2016. The Economist reached an audience milestone of 35 million people on social media. The Economist is best known for radical centrism and economic liberalism.

The Good Bits: This company is a great place for up-and-coming data journalists to build and boost their careers. The Economist provide several juicy employment incentives for its workers. The company has a healthy and accommodating work environment. The work is very exciting. The pay is competitive.

The Not-So-Good Bits: The work-life balance needs improvement. Employee burnout is common.

Brief History of The Economist

The origin of this company dates back to 1843. The Economist newspaper was established by a Scottish hat manufacturer to push the cause of free trade. The Economist Group has grown into a fiercely independent international media and information services company with intelligent brands for a global audience. Over the course of its existence, The Economist has helped its readership understand the drivers of social change from finance and economics to technology and geopolitics. The Economist eventually broke into the North American region which has become its biggest market since then.

When the world entered the digital era, The Economist started delivering data consistently about the economy. Its channels of journalism also increased, the company went digital by using a website and an application as well as podcasts. The Economist also used social media, films, and interactive infographics. In 2005, The Chicago Tribune named The Economist as the best English-language publication. Its global headquarters is situated in Westminster, London. The international reach of The Economist extends to Africa, The Americas, Asia, The Middle East, and Europe.

Culture & Vibe

The Economist establishes its culture on five core values, namely:

  • Independence (not tied to any interest or faction and promotes free-thinking)
  • Integrity (bold to seek the truth and defend what they believe in as well as the inspiration of trust through rigor, transparency, and fact-checking),
  • Excellence (aiming for the highest standards of quality in what they do)
  • Inclusivity (encouraging diversity in perspectives and thoughts as well as treating employees equally and respectfully)
  • Openness (an empathetic and collaborative culture)

The company doesn’t just believe in an inclusive environment, it also champions it and ensures that every worker, regardless of their race, religion, political affiliation, marital status, socioeconomic background, gender, sexuality, etc., is treated the same and that they enjoy equal access to opportunities and incentives. The dress code is semi-formal.

Career Prospects

The Economist offers internship and fellowship programs for budding journalists who want to make a name for themselves in independent journalism which is the company’s flagship. The Britain Internship program ranges from 3 to 6 months and it entails writing on and publishing various stories. This work experience is paid for. The company also offers a training course for aspiring data journalists to gain relevant skills and experience. These data trainees will spend six months in the data journalism department where they can build their expertise in the field. The company also offers a Digital Internship and Films Fellow program for interested freshers and interns.

Recruitment Process

The company reviews applications and selects the most suitable candidates for the interview. The HR department then contacts them via phone and schedules a series of interviews. The successful candidates will have to go through a pre-employment check and the job offer comes next.


A fresh graduate working at The Economist earns an average of £35,000 yearly.


  • Health insurance
  • Bonuses
  • Parental leave
  • Annual leave

Social Contributions

The Economist frequently donates to local charities in the U.K and is dedicated to climate change management.


There’s no widely published controversy in the U.K.

Jobs & Opportunities

Locations With Jobs & Opportunities
  • London
Hiring candidates with qualifications in
Business & Management
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Engineering & Mathematics
IT & Computer Science
Law, Legal Studies & Justice